Margaret W. Prescott
Margaret (Maggie) Prescott is the Chief of Mission Integration at the Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, where she works on strategic planning, kickstarts special initiatives and partnerships, and assists with Board relations. In addition, Ms. Prescott oversees human resources, database and government grants, programs operations, and the high-lethality survivor initiative.
Prior to assuming her current role, Ms. Prescott served as a Senior Staff Attorney at the Women’s Center and Shelter’s Civil Law Project, where she provided comprehensive civil legal representation for low-income survivors of intimate partner and sexual violence. She specialized in appellate and family law matters, such as Protection from Abuse, Custody, Child and Spousal Support, and Divorce.
Ms. Prescott earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Carnegie Mellon University and Juris Doctorate from University of Pittsburgh. She currently serves in various leadership roles within the Allegheny County Bar Association and Allegheny County Bar Foundation. Ms. Prescott received the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Pro Bono Attorney Award in 2021 and the Allegheny County Bar Association’s Outstanding Young Lawyer Award in 2022.